Path to a Cure

The View Along the Path to a Cure for FOXG1 Syndrome | An Overview by Nasha Fitter

The View Along the Path to a Cure for FOXG1 Syndrome  |  An Overview by Nasha Fitter

When Amara was diagnosed three years ago, I didn’t even know what a gene was. My background was in technology and business and I wasn’t prepared for the world of science. Luckily, my career had prepared me to tackle an impossible problem that no one has solved before. Being strategic and understanding the various pieces that need to be put together to achieve your end goal is critical in rare disease leadership. I have made mistakes over the past three years, and I have had successes. My goal in this blog series is to share those, and to continue sharing our experiences and journey of the FOXG1 Research Foundation as we work to find a cure for our children and everyone with FOXG1 syndrome.