Starting a rare Disease Patient Organization

San Francisco Business Times: Unlikely Drug Hunters: How two mothers are finding hope in searching for their children’s cures

SF Business Times: Kimberly Nye and Nasha Fitter both founded organizations to seek cures for afflictions suffered by their children. Nasha Fitter didn’t have time. There had to be a better, faster way, she thought — not just for her daughter, but for other people with rare diseases. Fitter tapped her tech and entrepreneurial background to create a nonprofit, the FOXG1 Research Foundation.

ONCE UPON A GENE - The 12 Commandments to Guide You When You're Starting a Rare Disease Patient Advocacy Group. With Nasha Fitter and Mike Graglia

Effie Parks celebrated podcast Once Upon a Gene Episode 094: FOXG1 advocate Nasha Fitter and SYNGAP1 advocate Mike Graglia are leaders in the rare disease community and two of the top parent leaders in the advocacy game. In this episode, they're sharing their knowledge, expertise and experiences in an information-packed masterclass on how to build a rare disease patient advocacy group, get funding and forge a path to a cure.